As I sit here hurting and sad that I cannot be in Omaha right now, I have to look past my own selfishness and realize that there are much bigger things going on than who is where in this world. The most important thing I have realized today is that the bigger picture shows that the right people were in the right place at the right time. A grieving family was in the right place, even though I am sure they didn't realize it at the time, and made the right decision to save other lives. I pray for peace for them and I hope and pray that someday they understand the full value of and complete gratefulness we have for their decision. Thank you for accepting the path that God chose for your loved one and donating what physical life they had left to others in need. Because of your selfless decision our Aunt now has an opportunity at a healthy life, a life she has built with her strong husband, wonderful children and amazing grandchildren. A life she lives through Christ, for Christ and with Christ. This has been a long and painful road but the time has come, the time for Liz to get her new liver and start the healing process. A year and a half ago my brother-in-law, Chad donated half of his liver to Liz iin her first transplant surgery. What a hero! What an amazing gift to give someone! He allowed her body to heal, become healthier and prepare for this new, whole liver that will now offer greater chances of an even healthier life. Of course greater chances mean greater risks...a second transplant is always riskier. It is always concerning and always scary. Right now we have to Praise our Lord and His wonderful plan...even though we have no clue what that might be. We have to know the He is in complete control and will provide for Liz, Jim and our entire family. Regardless of our differences, our own moments of selfishness...we come together to support each other and pray...pray for the surgeons preparing for surgery, pray for the nurses, pray for the family and friends affected by the loss of their loved one today, pray for our family and most importantly pray for Liz and her ability to accept this transplant and heal. I can babble on for hours and hours (as everyone knows!) but I could never express my sincere appreciation to that family, my absolute faith in God's mercy and my unconditional love for my family. The good...the bad...and the crazy! LOL! In all seriousness though...hold your loved ones, keep them close and even if that means you cannot be beside them at the most difficult times...keep them close in your heart, your thoughts and your prayers to our Almighty Father.
Much love and peace,